Friday, January 14, 2011

Arizona, January 2011 - Snow or desert, pick you choice...

There are some things you don't show on a blog: flat tires, anger, tireness, red mud all over, wrong road, snow.... it has been a little rough lately. Oh well, life goes on!

 Payson, Arizona: Laurel and Devin are cooking a SOUFFLE AU FROMAGE for my 2months trip anniversary!

Roosevelt Lake, where I see my first Seguaro Cactus!!
Tonga national forest looks more like a green desert to me...

Safford, 14-01-10: Birdwatching with Monica and Paula in the desert.
Monica adopted me for a day, as I stopped at the library, wondering
where to sleep tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Merci de nous faire un peu voyager avec toi. Le Far West en vélo, les cow boys n'y avaient pas pensé! Bonne suite et gros bisous.
    Marie-Thé et Jean-Loup
